1. You must be of legal age based on your country of residence to attend the online classes.
  2. School administrative services are open from 10.00 am until 18.00 pm Portuguese time. 
  3. Each lesson lasts 60 minutes.
  4. Regular, intensive and semi-private courses start at absolute beginner’s level. The school does not offer placement tests.
  5. Classes are provided fully online, through Zoom, Google Meet, or any other online media as decided by the school’s administration. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they have access to the internet and to the agreed platform prior to each class.
  6. Additional course material, exercises and homework will be provided through online media.
  7. At the end of the course, the school will provide students with an attestation of enrolment certifying the number of hours of classes taken by the student.
  8. The school does not provide any support 


  1. When registering online for one of our courses, the school will confirm your registration based on availability within 48 hours and send you payment instructions by email.
  2. Payment can be done on a 4-weeks basis or for the full duration of the course. 
  3. Any bank or conversion fees should be paid by the student.
  4. Confirmation and proof of payment must be sent to [email protected] Please note that this is a mandatory procedure, and the enrolment will be confirmed within one working day.
  5. Enrolment and availability will only be confirmed to the student once the first payment has been processed and received by the school.
  6. Shall the school not able to confirm your registration due to lack of availability, or shall the school cancel the course for any reason, you will be refunded immediately.
  7. Payment includes the course tuition, including time spent by the teacher within the course regular number of hours. Additional fees incumbent to external providers, such as internet access, are not included and must be paid by the student.
  8. There will be no refund if you cancel your participation during the course.


  1.     Students can ask to change their group to benefit from a different timetable or course type upon request and subject to school’s availability. 


  1. No refund is allowed after the start of the course.
  2. Shall you cancel no later than 4 weeks before the start of the course, the school will refund 100% of any paid tuition minus the registration fee and an administrative fee of 70 euros.
  3. Shall you cancel less than 4 weeks but no later than 1 week (7 calendar days) before the start of the course, the school will refund 50% of any paid tuition minus the registration fee and an administrative fee of 70 euros.
  4. No refund will be authorized if the cancellation happens one week (7 calendar days) or less before the start of the course, or after the start of the course. Based on availability, the school may, at its own discretion, offer you a place in another group within a year from the payment received.
  5. Group lessons require a minimum of 4 students (2 students for the semi-private course) to be run. The school reserves the right to cancel any group that does not meet the minimum number of students enrolled and to reimburse the student fully for courses cancelled prior to their starting date or proportionally to the amount of hours effectively taught if cancellation happens after the course started.
  6. For tutoring and other non-regular classes (master-classes, individual):
    Cancellation for individual, tutoring and non-regular classes must be made at least 48 hours before the class. Cancellation can be made by phone, whatsapp or email at [email protected] Only cancellations that were confirmed in writing (message or email) by the school will be considered valid.
  7. Cancellations made less than 48 hours in advance will be charged in full and your cancellation will count as an used lesson. Exceptional circumstances and illness will be taken into consideration.
  8. The school may, at its own discretion, offer to reschedule or replace the class missed. 
  9. The school can cancel the classes or change the teacher when it is necessary to guarantee the best experience to students, at its own discretion which means that the expecting ending date of the classes can be slightly changed. The school will deny a refund request in case the student cannot attend some classes due to the postponement of the ending of the course by the school.
  10. Shall a teacher not be able to deliver a class, the school, at its own discretion, will offer a replacement date/time based on students’ availabilities. 
  11. No fee or cost will be refunded for classes which are missed during the course for any reason, or for late arrival or early finish.


  1. The school assumes no responsibility for loss, delay, or accident of any kind whatsoever that occurs because of the fault or negligence of the student or any third-party providers. 
  2. Students must accept the current terms and conditions in order to access their course.
  3. We reserve the right to cancel any bookings at any time, offering a full refund or a substitute of equal value.


  1. The school does not hold classes on national public holidays in Portugal. In case classes are changed for this or for any other reason, the school will propose an alternative date and time to reschedule it.


  1.     The complete privacy policy of the school can be read on: https://www.ciplemaster.com/data-privacy

This contract shall come into force on the date it is signed or electronically accepted by the student and will remain valid until the end of the course.


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